Friday, April 5, 2013

City Council
I am very proud of the relationship I enjoy as the mayor with the members of our Provo City Council.
Together we have worked hard to create a mutually beneficial atmosphere of good will and trust. This has not always existed and it's never good for the public when their government officials lock horns in battle so I appreciate the positive relationship we have. I think it shows maturity and respect on all sides.

I value and respect our city employees.  They are an extremely talented and dedicated group.
I believe the environment of trust we have created allows them to function at high levels of productivity. I feel very much at one and as a team with them.

Everywhere I go I’m told there is a good feeling in the air in Provo.
To that end I’ve worked hard to be accessible to residents. I hope residents feel that I am truly their mayor on a very individual level.
I post my cell phone number on the city's website. I respond to my emails personally and I’ve enjoyed meeting with thousands in my office, their homes and on the streets of Provo.
We’ve taken social media to a high level. My blog has had over 500,000 visits and is used to communicate my thoughts and intents almost daily — all at virtually no cost to taxpayers.

Our Neighbors
I’ve worked hard to foster relationships with our neighboring cities. I believe they respect us and I believe that through friendly communication and sharing, we all benefit.